McCutchen Family Reunion

September 8, 2018, Potluck at 1:00pm

Mary Hill State Park

Picnic area Riverside wading area

Park Information:


Best route from any direction: Get on I-84 and drive to Biggs Junction. Take exit 104 and turn north onto US-97. Cross the river and follow the signs to the park.


Click here to see the map of the area where we'll be. Then click on the green dot in the RV area to see the sites. Spaces 1,2,3,4, 49 and 50 are already taken by folks in our group.


You can reserve online or via phone. Click here to go to the reservation page. Fees are:

Campsite: $35-$45
Reservation fee: Online, $8 or via phone, $10
Non-resident fee for anyone living out of Washington: $5.


McCutchen Family Northwest Lots of information about the James M. McCutchen family.

Ancestry: Several of us have Ancestry subscriptions. Let's coordinate!

GedMatch: This website will accept your DNA results from a varitey of places such as Ancestry or 23&me and complare them with others in their database.


Pat Oaks is our family geneaology expert.

Helen Whitworth collects the family stories.

If you have old letters or other family history items, a family project, old photos, etc. to share, do bring them to the reunion.


Paul Gregg: 509-773-4758

Herb McCutchen: 541-922-2726 (Home), 541-922-1737 (Cell)

Come and Enjoy Your Family!