by Helen Buell

photo adapted from this source

This story was originally told to me by my mother, Myrtle and the major events remain true to her story. The setting is Hamer Canyon in Eastern Oregon in 1919. Most of the photos are from the internet, but often they have been adapted to better show the story line. My hope is that as you read this story you can get a feeling of what it was like to live and work in this area. Please enjoy.

1. March: The Surprise
2. April: Hearing Voices
3. May: Friends and Foes
4. June: The Prize
5. July: The Razor
6. August: Harvesting Woes
7. September: Traveling

After you've read Maggie, please email me with any ideas that would add to the flavor of life in this era. If they work, I will incorporate them in the story and give you credit for them.